well was a good weekend, didnt do a lot all things considered but thats not the point

obamapalooza is is tue. heres hoping that the metro will do better tue then today. because there were about a jillion different problems on the metro today - stations being exit only, unscheduled problems, all sorts of stuff. if this happens on tue its gonna be a mess to say the least.
anyway...this weekend i made chili, am making chicken encheladas tomorrow and taco soup on tue i think (maybe vice versa?) we will see

this weekend watched a lot of tv/movies. the football games today + a couple of movies
the other "new" thing i have been doing is drinking tea. quite a bit of it i must say. i have been buying it over the last few weeks and got some this weekend too (in town) - its pretty good im getting the times down and its helping me with not drinking coffee, still drink an espresso/latte from time to time but no more coffee lol

as for the super bowl, i am going for the cardinals...read somewhere they were 40-1 odds to make the sB - wonder how many ppl actually took that at the start of this year lol.

this week:
-get setup at the workout place here on our property
-sleep more (as usual)
-relax (off work mon/tue)
-start reading a new book (non fiction)

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